Monday, February 28, 2011

"Whoever is winning at the moment will always seem to be invincible." - George Orwell

Right now, junk food seems to be invincible! I'm losing the fight and I'm gradually converting back to my old glutton-like ways. Not good. Starting tomorrow, I promise to go back to my healthy eating diet, you hear that world?! (actually, just the few readers this blog has lol) A promise to myself though is still a promise, and one that I really try to keep.

Other news, I didn't do so good on a pop quiz for my Nursing Care Management class today. I spent zero time studying for that class because I was to busy studying for my semi-final exam for Pharmacology, and what ends up happening??? The exam was moved to tomorrow!! On top of that, the teacher adds a hefty amount of new topics to study for in under a days time. Anyways, I got a 13/20 on the quiz.

This should explain how I felt

Guys, stop studying now or you will definitely lose it!
Just kidding, studying is good, exercise the brain guys!

PS: I took this method straight from a page from Barney. Since girls and adults can't read any small print or any font size under 10, you young gentlemen are safe to hear the truth. The truth is, studying is really hazardous to your health, I was not kidding at all. Do not, I repeat, do not study if you have any value to your health whatsoever. Be smart, don't study.

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